All I want to do is. . .

. . .install IPython Notebook.


Description: A whip-fast guide to getting started with IPython Notebooks, the best persistent-state REPL out there
Contributors: rachelkelly
Updated: 05/23/14

Do these first:

  • Use virtualenv + virtualenvwrapper with Python
    $ pip install virtualenv
    $ pip install virtualenvwrapper
    # ~/.bash_profile
    # Enable virtualenvwrapper 
    export WORKON_HOME=~/Envs
    source /usr/local/bin/
    # Virtualenvwrapper-powershell in Windows
    PS> pip install virtualenvwrapper-powershell
    PS> $env:WORKON_HOME="~/Envs"
    PS> mkdir $env:WORKON_HOME
    PS> import-module virtualenvwrapper
    # Reload your profile
    $ source ~/.bash_profile
    # Create your env directory
    $ mkdir -p $WORKON_HOME
    # Create a new environment
    $ mkvirtualenv my-fresh-environment
    # Activate an environment
    $ workon my-fresh-environment
    # List environments
    $ lsvirtualenv
    # Remove an environment
    $ rmvirtualenv my-polluted-environment
     [full instructions]

Create your virtualenv. If you are using virtualenvwrapper, run:

$ mkvirtualenv ipy

This can be any environment name you choose. I call mine ipy for brevity. IPython has a bunch of dependencies and it's nice to have them all in ONE place rather than globally throughout your machine.

Then use pip to install the following.

  • jinja2
  • pyzmq
  • tornado
$ workon ipy
$ pip install jinja2 pyzmq tornado ipython

Then, to run a local instance of IPython Notebook:

$ ipython notebook


If you have suggestions, corrections, or content to contribute, fork us at our Github repo or open an issue.

Licensed under the CC-SA.