All I want to do is. . .

. . .use virtualenv + virtualenvwrapper with Python.


Description: Virtualenv allows you to make isolated working copies of Python so that you can work on a specific project without affecting other projects. Virtualenvwrapper provides commands that make it simple to create and manage your virtual environments.
Contributors: sloria
Updated: 07/14/13

Do these first:

  • Install Python 2 and/or 3
    # On Mac >= 10.5 with homebrew
    $ brew update
    ## Install Python 2
    $ brew install python
    ## Install Python 3
    $ brew install python3
    ## Follow any instructions that appear after each brew install
    # Is everything working?
    $ brew doctor
    # Listen to the doctor
    # Run Python 2
    $ python
    # Run Python 3
    $ python3
    # Install a Python 2 package
    $ pip install some-package
    # Install a Python 3 package
    $ pip3 install some-package
     [full instructions]

Install the packages.

$ pip install virtualenv
$ pip install virtualenvwrapper

Open your shell's profile config (e.g. .bash_profile, .bashrc, or .zshrc). This is usually located in your home directory.

Then add the following:

# ~/.bash_profile

# Enable virtualenvwrapper 
export WORKON_HOME=~/Envs
source /usr/local/bin/

On Window, you can use the virtualenvwrapper-powershell.

# Virtualenvwrapper-powershell in Windows
PS> pip install virtualenvwrapper-powershell
PS> $env:WORKON_HOME="~/Envs"
PS> mkdir $env:WORKON_HOME
PS> import-module virtualenvwrapper

Create the folder for your virtual environments.

# Reload your profile
$ source ~/.bash_profile
# Create your env directory
$ mkdir -p $WORKON_HOME

Now, when you log in to a new shell session, you will be able to use virtualenvwrapper.

# Create a new environment
$ mkvirtualenv my-fresh-environment
# Activate an environment
$ workon my-fresh-environment
# List environments
$ lsvirtualenv
# Remove an environment
$ rmvirtualenv my-polluted-environment

See also:


If you have suggestions, corrections, or content to contribute, fork us at our Github repo or open an issue.

Licensed under the CC-SA.